The Visioning Exercise That Changed My Life

There is power in writing down your vision and goals. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you know what you want.

Last October, I took part in a visioning and goal setting workshop at the Lululemon Ambassador Summit in Vancouver. I had no idea how powerful that would be in shaping the next year of my life.

The main exercise began with everyone seated and closing their eyes. We were asked to envision ourselves 10 years from now standing in front of us. Future self and present day self, face to face. When we opened our eyes, we wrote down who our future self was in detail. What did they look like, dress like? When they woke up in the morning, where were they, who were they with, what did they do that day? This was challenging, but also very exciting and comforting to see what you really wanted for yourself.

The second part of the exercise was to now breakdown this vision of our future self into time-related goals working backwards using 10 years, 5 years and 1 year. For example, if 10 years from now I planned to wake up to my husband, two children and two dogs, then within 5 years, I’d like to get married and have my first child and within 1 year, I’d like to purchase a house. This was a personal goal, but we also created career and health goals using this format.

This process was so powerful for me. It was hard for me to write down the house purchasing goal. Although I had been saving for a very long time, purchasing a home seemed unattainable because of my humble upbringing, growing up in my grandparents’ finished basement with my single mother. I am happy to share that this month, exactly one year from the time I set the goal at the summit, I closed on a house with my boyfriend! Crazy, right?

In the one year timeframe, I also met all my career goals, leading my first teacher training and yoga retreat and writing my marketing book for yoga teachers.

I hope that my success with this exercise inspires you to give it a try.

The goal grid supporting your vision looks like the table below.  Take some quiet time to determine where you’d like to see yourself in 10 years (in detail). Then, start with the 10 year line describing what you have attained. Then, what has to happen within 5 years to make sure you get to your 10 year goals? What has to happen in the next year? Of course, your vision can change and you can modify your goals.

This technique is a solid way to make sure you are on the right track towards realizing your life vision. Sometimes the bigger picture of what you want for yourself makes it much clearer for you to make the right choices today.

Personal Career Health
10 Years
5 Years
1 Year


Namaste dear friends,

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