Yoga for Menstrual Relief

Supported Child Pose

Yoga offers healing postures for every ailment, including menstrual pain. See pictures and instructions of my three favorite restorative yoga postures that help to relieve cramps, relax the abdomen and lower back and calm the mind.

What you will need:
1.  Yoga mat or towel
2.  Yoga bolster or large, long pillow
3.  2 yoga blocks or 2 small firm pillows
4.  Folded blanket
5.  Chair

Supported Bound Angle Pose

Supported Bound Angle Pose

Posture #1 : Supported Bound Angle Pose
Step 1: Sit on your mat with knees bent out to the sides and feet together.
Step 2: Place the bolster (or large pillow) with one end pressed against your tailbone. Your buttocks is not lifted, it is still on the ground.
Step 3: Place the folded blanket on the opposite end of the bolster like a pillow.
Step 4: Place one block under each of your knees to support them.
Step 5: Gently lay back on your bolster. The bolster should support you from the sacrum (above the tailbone) to the top of the head.
Step 6: Practice slow deep breathing here as you relax in the pose for atleast a minute.


Supported Child Pose

Supported Child Pose

Posture #2:  Supported Child Pose
Step 1: Come to kneeling on your mat with your feet hips distance apart.
Step 2: Place the bolster with folded blanket on top between your legs and rest your chest on it. Rest on a cheek to relax your head and neck. Arms are relaxed comfortably to the sides or under your head.
Step 3: You can add more blankets under the chest or under the legs to add more padding comfort. If the feet cramp, add a small rolled up towel  under the front ankle for support.
Step 4: Practice slow deep breathing here as you relax in the pose for atleast a minute.


Supported Seated-Angle Pose

Supported Seated-Angle Pose

Posture #3: Supported Seated Angle Pose
Step 1: Place a chair sideways on the side of your mat.
Step 2: Straddle the legs out to the sides to a comfortable V-shape.
Step 3: Cross your arms and hold opposite elbows as you rest them on the chair seat and relax your head on the arms. Relax your chest and back as the chair supports you.
Step 4: Practice slow deep breathing here as you relax in the pose for atleast a minute.

Practice these 3 relieving pose to soothe your menstrual discomfort.

Another great remedy you can try is an over-the-counter all natural, homeopathic medicine called Caulophyllum. It’s now available in most local drugstores and Whole Foods. It works wonders!


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